How to enroll to the Bachelor Degree

How to enroll to the Bachelor Degree

To enroll to the Bachelor’s Degree (Laurea di Primo Livello or Laurea Triennale) in Chemical Engineering, the student must:

  • hold a qualification such a high school diploma or equivalent
  • pass the TOL, the Engineering Test On Line

The TOL can be taken by students of the second-to-last or the last year of high school and by students who already own a high school diploma.

The test comprises two parts, devoted to assess:

  • Spoken comprehension, logic skills, and proficiency in mathematical and physical notions acquired during high school
  • English proficiency

The TOL will take place multiple times during the year.
The TOL dates for Engineering and the enrollment procedures are defined by Politecnico di Milano.

All the information on timings and procedures to apply is available on the relevant page on the University’s orientation website.