Students’ Representatives

Students’ Representatives

The Students’ Representatives in the Course of Study for the Bachelor and Master Degree in Chemical Engineering are:

Biagio Maria La Becca, Davide Luzzini, Felice Damiano, Francesca Marra, Francesca Palladino, Giuseppe Nunziata e Maria Giovanna Abagnale.

You can contact the representatives at this address:

Student Defender

Politecnico di Milano has created the role of Students’ Defender who everybody can refer to in case they faced behaviors against University regulations and the “Carta dei Diritti e dei Doveri degli Studenti” (Regulation about Rights and Duties of Students).

The Defender:

  • Acts after a non-anonymous report
  • Investigates trying to resolve the matter and, in case this cannot be accomplished, contacts the person in the University who has the authority to do it
  • Protects the student agains possible retailations