

Politecnico di Milano provides students of the Bachelor and Master degree with the possibility to take part in Internships to facilitate the transition to work environments.

The Internship is a formative hands-on experience, directly related to contents of the course of study and career goals, which allows to:

  • Apply theoretical skills acquired during the course of study on the field
  • Make the student more informed about the different careers he can choose

The Internship can be done both in Italy and abroad, in companies, professional firms, foreign universities or research institutions, both publicly and privately owned.

During the internship the student will know about new situations and sets of problems, and the acquired skills will be applied to a relevant industrial/research context.

The Internship can be:

  • Curricular and mandatory, thus, recognized in the Study Plan; it is related to the acquisition of university credits (CFUs).
  • Curricular, non mandatory, thus, conducted as a student, but with no associated university credits and for a maximum period of 12 months; it has to be concluded within the thesis defense. It is possible to conduct a non-mandatory internship in relation to the Master Degree Thesis.
  • Non-curricular, thus, conducted after graduation without being enrolled to another course of study; it can last up to 6 months.

Starting the Internship

The Academic Structure for Internship (SAT) is responsible for the activation and eventual recognitions of curricular internships, both mandatory and non-mandatory.

The rules for non-curricular internships are managed directly by the Career Service (more information)

More information can be found on the Teaching Regulations of the Bachelor and Master Degree

Internships Supervisor