

In addition to core modules and subjects typical of Chemical Engineering, the student will be engaged in various laboratory activities (Experimental laboratories, Computational laboratories and Project laboratories). Indeed, according to the Programme Committee, such activities are of outmost relevance in the education of Chemical Engineers. Significant resources have been and will be dedicated specifically to the activation, maintenance and extension of such laboratory activities.

Laboratories, often carried out in groups of students, are propedeutical to the education of Chemical Engineers that, after having acquired the theoretical notions, the background on first principles involved in chemico-physical processes of interest and the capability of describing such processes with mathematical models, seek for validation in the real world, by means of experimental activities (Experimental Laboratories). The mathematical model derived from first principles is translated into numerical algorithms implemented in computer codes and softwares (Computational Laboratories). The comparison between model and experimental results paves the way for the scale-up of the investigated processes at the industrial level.

Experimental activities allow to:

  • valorize the knowledge acquired in the different subjects by means of a practical application;
  • develop the capability of critically analyze the results;
  • develop relevant soft skills such as team work, communication of results and of their critical aspects.