Bachelor Degree

Bachelor Degree

Requirements for the Graduation

As required by the law, the student must gain 180 credits to obtain the Laurea Degree (Bachelor of Science) in Chemical Engineering. They are partitioned as follows:

  • 40 credits are inherent the basic disciplines (mathematics and statistics, physics, chemistry).
  • 70 credits are required within the chemical engineering framework (transport phenomena, thermodynamics, chemical technology, chemical reaction engineering, unit operations, process control).
  • 30 credits are devoted to the energy engineering field (engines, pumps and turbines, systems for environment and energy), to the materials engineering field (materials science and technology) and to the building science.
  • Moreover 22 credits are inherent to closely related disciplines like organic chemistry, technical physics and electric engineering.
  • Finally, 15 credits are devoted to the student free choice among which the student can choose an internship for 5 CFU, performing a research activity within the Politecnico di Milano or outside, at production or laboratory sites. In the presentation of the study plan, as to the free courses, a particularly motivated student can also enter the teachings of the Master of Science in Chemical Engineering. The CCS may approve also proposals outside the Programme in Chemical Engineering if motivated by the student (autonomous plan of studies).

Degree examination

The final examination consists in the presentation of a paper carried out by the student under the supervision of a tutor. The final examination gives students a further opportunity to explore and verify their analytical, elaboration and communication skills. Information concerning general rules and regulations, session calendars, registration and consignment of theses is available on this page.

Further information are available in the Educational Rules: